Mary mikhael

Rites of passion™


Welcome, I’m Mary Mikhael, and I would love to invite you to

Rights of Passion™

This is rites of passage work that follows a methodology I have developed over a lifetime.

It is designed to reconnect you with the aspects of yourself that have been lost, suppressed, denied or shamed. 

Within the pages of this space, I’ve featured offerings that will help you discover your life’s purpose and be at home in your power.

I know that with the right tools, you can embrace your gifts and live a life of creativity and abundance.


Perhaps you’re already…

…on your path but you still desire answers and search for balance. You might be questioning what your soul connection could be. You might long to change the world, to be challenged and inspired – or to be vulnerable and grow. 

If any of this resonates with you, I would be deeply honoured to guide you on your journey forward through Rites of Passion™.

Through programs, mentorships and retreats, I’m able to use my ability to ‘see right through you’ and offer key truths that will allow you to let go of suffering and scarcity and tap into your quantum leadership and freedom frequencies.

With Guidance…

…it’s possible for everyone – women and men, to access their shadow selves and journey into the dark; overcoming fears, self-doubt and illusionary belief systems and programs that keep us stuck in self-doubt and sabotage. 

Through Rites of Passion, I can lead you into a more empowered reality.

You will be asked to drop your masks, remove your emotional armour and make the conscious choice to live according to your desires. 

Click here to reserve your free spot in the One Love Humanity Rebirth Awakening Summit, with over 60+ Australian & International Ambassadors, Leaders & Facilitators in personal empowerment, humanitarian leadership, health & wellness plus much more …

Discover Your Truth, Embody Your Sovereignty & Re-ignite Your Passion?

Mind/Body/Soul Healing Sessions


Online Programs

Consulting & Tailored Programs

Love, Intimacy & Relationships

Soulfire Mentorship & Coaching

Business and Visionary Leadership


“I feel empowered, connected, aligned to and at peace with my authentic spiritual self. l now have a deep trust and love for life and myself. I have embraced my sensuality and integration into devotional embodiment. 

​Mary is truly remarkable and has an amazing way of reaching out and engaging you and sees you and the journey you are on. Her teachings touch your soul and the transformation I have witnessed with myself and the other roses I journeyed with has been remarkable. The live sessions helped keep me connected and full of enthusiasm as I embraced and integrated with the feminine mysteries and embodiment. 

​Mary, I am so grateful and I can’t thank you enough for seeing me, believing in me, teaching me so many valuable lessons and giving me the tools to become the Goddess I truly am. I look forward to continuing this journey and weaving more magic with you. “


“The 12 week mentoring of the Priestess Alchemy – Holy Rose genuinely helped me explore, surrender, connect and compassionately embody the masculine and feminine aspects of myself which I had previously felt at war with.

Working with Mary and our fabulous group of women has truly helped me reveal a new depth of appreciation, softness, sensuality and love for the relationship with myself – its likened to a ‘coming home’ feeling and for that I’m deeply grateful.

I look forward to playing, exploring and unveiling more of my beautiful goodness, it makes my heart sing. Thank you Mary of the mysteries, you are a one of a kind ‘gift’.

P.S. Ladies, if your heart feels the call, do the course … you’ll thank yourself for it, truly!”


“The 12 week Priestess Alchemy journey with Mary Mikhael has been just simply ‘magic.’  Nothing short of a simple miracle has unfolded and continues to bloom for me from this experience. 

Deeply healing an ancient wound of ‘self abandonment’ and ‘abandonment’ has given way to receiving and accepting the ‘Goddess’ my feminine whom for so long I pushed away. 

Surrendering deeper into my own mystery, I feel magic, I feel a healthy sense of self and self worth. No longer do I seek externally for the connection that I’m now witnessing and holding within. 

My intuition is louder, my sensual nature is awakening and my heart feels like its being made love too with each breath. “


“Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Goddess Embodiment Retreat with the fabulously divine Mary Mikhael Angelique.

I was taken on a powerful soul enriching journey that brought up past and current fears and allowed me to see them in a renewed light with forgiveness and giving me the power and gift to nurture my true essence as a female to be all that I am destined to be.

At times I felt like Alice in the looking glass, who had stubbled down the rabbit hole in to the unknown consciousness to be reborn. I am so very grateful to Mary for being apart of my life and I being apart of her life.

I highly recommended to anyone who has not yet attended one of Mary’s retreats or mediation sessions to explore the opportunity to cultivate emotions and strengths that have been hidden deep for generations to spring forward in abundance. I thank you Mary and all my sisters for standing alongside me. 🦉🦋”


“I would love to take the space for a bit and honour my beautiful sister Mary Mikhael Angelique❤️

For few months now, I have been on the journey of discovering and exploring the Divine Feminine. What does it mean? Am I the divine feminine force myself? How does it look like in my life? How does it fit into the world? I was seeking the true essence of being a woman and learning the bits and pieces so I can master this authentic art of being feminine, being vulnerable yet strong, being seen, being connected to higher realms.

Meeting Mary was like a blessing. Going to her retreats is like this crazy journey where you sit on the rollercoaster and there is a door in front of you. And you are soooo sure that you know what is behind the door 🙂 But then the door opens and it is quite different so to say 😛 The rollercoaster starts and man! it is a ride! The most fearful, intimidating,vulnerable, raw, authentic, thrilling, humbling and loving ride you will ever go through.

I feel deeply honoured that I have met Mary and many other sister that are on this journey with me! I just got back from Goddess embodiment retreat and I have never felt more excited for what is coming. I feel raw and vulnerable, I feel soft and gentle, I feel empowered, I trust my words and my intuition, I allow the life to flow and it doesn’t stop amaze me..old patterns have been broken and I am replacing them with truth, light and love.

Thank you Mary for supporting me, holding me and for opening the realms for me that I didn’t even know existed ❤️❤️❤️
Can’t wait for the next weekend 😀 let’s do it again 😀

Lucie Arkel Sramkova

“A few words on the Goddess Retreat with Mary Mikhael Angelique

Wow wow wow!!! What a profoundly incredible 4 days, spent shifting and healing with such Beautiful powerful women!! Healing and reconnecting not only our own divine feminine but also for collective!!
Mary Mikhael Angelique you are a true Divine Goddess embodied in all her infinite glory, you hold lover, mother, priestess and warrior!!
You my dear hold such sacred space with depth, equality, authenticity, purity, love, heart, soul, embodiment, power, vunrability and compassion- Journeying along side each of us with such care and honour!! You are simply magic, and the gifts you carry words can simply not describe…

Thankyou for holding me and opening the gateway of incredible awakening I have had this weekend!
I have never really understood ‘the sisterhood’ but today I feel I have been initiated into the Sisterhood, into the Goddess, into the Moon and all the Divine Feminine ways of being.
I feel like I can admire the beauty of a women , beauty of a sister in equality and pure love. Sisters … today I see you.. what an incredible gift.
Thankyou to all the beautiful women who journey this weekend, such sacredness, intimacy, trusting and vunerable space was created. And although I didn’t get to connect with you alll… I feel such deep love and connection with you all, with the sisterhood 🙏 Thankyou..

Today I also realised that my journey has always been to awaken the Lover within me, before sharing love with another in a relationship…
My own lover has now awakened and I am soo friggin in love deeply and authentically with me!!! Wow!!!
Such a magical gift!
I have also healed, let go off fear, embarrassment, guilt, shame and reconnected with my own intimacy, sensuality and sexuality calling back and reclaiming my power back and my voice! With my divine feminine and the gift it is to be women/goddess…
Soo incredible and I feel such gratitude, love and devotion for my journey back into love, lover and beloveded..

Thankyou Mary for the gift of you ❤️😘
And like wow! The incredible healing and change that has occurred for collective! Over the last couple of days… Thankyou goddesses for your bravery to go deep ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So much love!
Life is exciting”


“These magical Egyptian oils and elixirs are absolutely mesmerising. As you anoint your body and take in the aroma of these delicate and sensual oils, your soul and senses come alive, move you and take you away to a special place. Their purity is angelic medicine.”

Silvia Preece

“Mary and Jonathan Thank you both for an unforgettable experience, your Temple is Magic and so Powerful, the energy was beautiful❤️ PERFECT OPENING! Sharna was amazing! Her food was made from love and you could taste it in every bite! Thank you Sharna 💜 It truly was a Blessed day🙏🏻❤️ I can’t explain the power coming from your land…. it was mind blowing! You have truly found a magikal place, we look forward to coming up again to share in your Temple❤️❤️ Love you xx”

‎Tazzie Maya

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