I think one of the things I’ve most come to love about getting older is being conscious of my own growth spurts. Not everyone notices them because they’re not physical. They’re mental, emotional and spiritual. They’re hard to quantify and explain; they’re lonely; and most of the time I don’t understand them.
But they’re also beautiful, exhilarating and amazing at the same time.
This year has been one giant spiritual growth spurt for me – like growing new skin it has been painful and uncomfortable and uncertain. But I’m finally at a shedding part and thankfully I’ve had Mary to guide me through this stage of my journey.
Last weekends Goddess Retreat was by far the most challenging, confronting and terrifying thing I have done. I felt defensive, vulnerable, overwhelmed and unworthy. But I know that those were the exact feelings I needed to confront in order to start this next chapter.
The more I reflect on my experiences that weekend the more I know I was not there by some fluke or mistake.
Thanks to Mary and the other beautiful Beautiful BEAUTIFUL souls I had the fortune to meet, I left feeling inspired, energised and in love with my own being.
How lucky are we to be able to experience such evolutions in ourselves!
How fortunate to find such people to witness these changes amd share their wisdom! What a wild, beautiful ride this life has in store! Ready or not 2018, here I come!