Wisdom, Knowledge, History and more. Release dates to be announced!
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In Late 2021 more of Mary Mikhael’s teachings will be  accessible – in book form! (title TBA soon!) Keep up to date by subscribing to our mailing list
I was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1980. I lived with my mum, dad and brother in a sixty-storey block of apartments and it was hustle and bustle and noise and pollution and animals and you could smell the sweet corn from downstairs literally cooking on the road. It was a very busy suburb, not too far away from Giza where the pyramids are.Â
There’s a memory I have of always sitting on my dad’s shoulders, walking the busy streets. I didn’t have a lot of fear as a child, even though there was war going on in the country. I always felt safe and protected.Â
As a family, we would go to church and literally thousands of people would gather.
I remember witnessing miracles there, so many, I saw everything from angels to Mother Mary.Â
My family were Coptic Orthodox Christians, a minority religion in an Islam-run country. It wasn’t a safe time to be Christian in Egypt, so, when I was six years old, we left everything to move to Australia.
Sensing spirit from a young age
You could say it’s like spirit is drawn to me. It’s part of my mystery and part of my make up. It’s not something that I have chosen, it’s been chosen for me.Â
From a very young age, I remember experiencing God in me. I felt a pure love and awareness. At five years old I had an enormous wisdom and memory of my previous lives.Â
I remember I would go to visit my grandma and I’d carry a little baby doll in my hand and she’d say to me “you’re going to have your own when you grow up” and I’d say “no, I died three times before coming into this life, giving birth”.Â
I’ve also known that I was a healer since I was really little. I would intuitively know if there was someone that was sick.  As a small child of around five years old, I would walk up to people and to animals and I would put my hands on them.
Afterwards, they would say to my mum “does she know that I had cancer?” or, “did she know that I just lost a baby?”.
I just knew things, especially with women who had had miscarriages. Even at such a young age I had huge gifts around spirit’s ability to work through me to help a woman on a womb level and to help heal the lingering anger.Â
As an older child I was totally mesmerised by the three realities, spirituality, sexuality and leadership, those were my passions. I was reciting Martin Luther King at eight years old; I was in the libraries with sky-high books, about the mind, about leadership and about quantum physics.
Over the years I’ve done many courses predominately for my own transformation. I’ve studied NLP, hypnotherapy, business coaching, life coaching, medical health and counselling.Â
Nowadays, I am very rarely in front of a teacher that inspires me. I don’t want to gather new information anymore; I want to unlearn everything and come into my own intuitive process. This is where I am able to guide people.Â
I met Jonathan David 15 years ago and he has probably been my best teacher. He is my mirror, my lover, my friend, my enemy, he’s been everything. Now that I’ve had that kind of teaching it would be difficult to find someone else that could open me up to that level.Â
Together, with our work for One Love Humanity, Jay and I are facilitating deep soul cellular change within people and the collective. We are reconnecting them to their heart and to their truth. We are reconnecting them to their sovereignty and reconnecting them to the sacred marriage.Â
The sacred marriage
Hands down, my purpose here on this planet is to fulfil the prophecy of the sacred marriage.  The sacred marriage is inner union, it’s that holy fire, that reigniting of the erotic heart, embodying the light and bringing it in. It’s bringing consciousness into everyday life.
It’s finding inner union, a connection back to self. Inner union with yourself creates a tremendous amount of liberation because we unbind ourselves from the matrix. When you connect to your multi-dimensional selves, your mess, your emotion, your body; you achieve that mind-heart and soul-body integrity and then you mirror it out.Â
You mirror out that relationship with yourselves to all of life and to the trees and the lakes and the mountains and the oceans. Then, the most beautiful things happen, it’s like, you’re kissed by all these lovers, it’s like, you’re made love to by all those lovers that you’re experiencing within the sacred marriage within the container of your own vessel.
Sacred marriage is also the way that we experience intimacy with others. It is a commitment, a connection, a preparation and devotion to initiation, to the changes and evolution of our relationships.Â
It is relating on a conscious level with a lot of self-awareness, mindfulness, kindness and compassion, especially in the way that we communicate with one another. It is also experiencing sexuality and the way of liberation as a way to bring the spiritual into union with the physical.
Rites of Passage
I do sacred marriage through rites of passage and initiation. Rites of passage initiation is like my love affair.Â
For me, rites of passage are a representation of the transformation and the evolution of the soul. I’m really passionate about it because the growth through rites of passage is a natural progression of how we evolve and mature and develop our psyche and emotions.Â
It’s a letting go of certain things and certain experiences and lessons and continuing on. Just like school; we are graduates of our own life and we continually strive to move up instead of staying in the same class.Â
You could say Rites of Passage is the evolution of the human soul, but to evolve there must first be a death and a rebirth process.Â
If we let go of what is no longer serving us and allow the death to happen, we experience grief and a mourning period and then we bloom. We find ourselves in a beautiful new beginning, a rebirth; a new cycle for ourself and our relationships.Â
Rites of passage can be so many things. It can be going through menopause or it can be through a relationship where you’ve met the love of your life. It could be from maiden to motherhood to priestess to crone. It can be quite archetypal.
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