Wow Mary!! I cannot thank you enough for this past week!!!! I am astounded at the change that has taken place and the decisions we have been able to make so quickly and with such clarity! We have decided we are doing the house and the business simultaneously and have worked a way to make both work. We have discovered our intention and energy for the business just this afternoon. (A focus on making and selling products for well being and enlightenment) finding our own enlightenment in the process and helping others. Good energy we have started exploring our connection and love for ourselves and each other more. Jake is happier and has more purpose. I’ve remembered more than I thought I knew and I feel so at peace with everything! I can say 110% that this was the most enlightening and productive week that I have had in a long time and I am truly so grateful for your guidance and pretty proud of our own selves. I can see wonderful positive and happy things for our future and I know we are on the right track. You truly are a very special lady and we are very grateful. It’s no wonder you do such great work.. MUCH love and many thanks